Delay Is Not Denial
You and I must be aware that this heavenly momentum is not without opposition: for battles always occur when a message is trying to make its way through the heavenlies to you. I want to encourage you that though the awaited promises be challenged, delay is not denial!

An Unshakeable Kingdom
Here you stand at the turn of another year. Yet, it would seem to me, it is more than a calendar year that is coming to a close. All of creation stands at attention for the shift from one age - one era - to the next. Humanity has reached a turning point in history. Much is taking place on the natural, political and spiritual landscapes in our nation and in the world, and it is all part of God's divine plan and positioning for the time of the end.
Peace Prevails
In the time we’ve come into, it may be with great effort and difficulty that you remain salty and full of light in your given spheres of influence. Jesus knew it would be this way for those who would choose to follow Him, and He made provision. I impart to you the grace to stir up the supernatural peace that you have already been given—for peace is a fruit of the Spirit.
The Wonders of God
Of great importance in this time is a revelation of the power present on the inside of you. I believe as you recognize God inside, the greater His influence will be through you. You cannot influence beyond what you are; you are full of God’s Holy Spirit! But without this understanding and the renewal of your soul—your mind—you will lack the influence God has so splendidly given you.
Perfect Love
Love one another as God loves you. Forgive one another as Christ forgave you. As He stretched out His arms on the cross and forgave, forgive one another right away. Let no offense linger, fester or find a resting place in your heart. Let offense go and choose to keep yourself in the love of God. In Christ you can do anything. You were born to do!
Supernatural Strength
There are things your Father has purposed to be in this moment of fullness of time. He has prepared people and places and has orchestrated events now being moved into position for the culmination of what He has destined from the foundations of the earth. You are a part of His grand and glorious plan!
Become What You Believe
I have the The Message translation Bible and just enjoy it so much! I came upon a scripture recently that I would like to share with you. It comes from a passage in Matthew chapter 9, where two blind men were crying out to Jesus to heal them.
Your Purpose
Jesus, wonderful Jesus! He who is Savior, Healer, King of kings, Lord of lords and our elder brother, so plainly and powerfully prays our destiny in the above passage from John. Our purpose is to know Him. To really and truly know (to perceive, recognize, become acquainted with, and understand).
A Visitation of the Holy Spirit
I believe our nation is on the verge of a visitation of the Holy Spirit in unprecedented magnitude. The Spirit of God is the manifestor of all the works of Jesus Christ and the demonstrator of the power of the God Head!
Entering Into New Places
I believe that you are about to enter into the places you have longed for in God. He welcomes you there by His Spirit in prayer. Trust God with your life and those that you love.
The Provision of Protection
Your Heavenly Father always goes before you to secure you and to make the way for you. I am in awe of the graciousness and comfort of His words in Psalm 91, and of the magnificence of His glorious, demonstrative presence.
An All Consuming Love
The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:29, that our God is a consuming fire! What an awesome and powerful reality! God our Father is consumed with His love for you! If we knew and could comprehend our Father’s limitless love for us, I believe it would change us in a remarkable way.
Fellowship Your Relationship
May I share with you about the intimacy of fellowship that I have with God the Holy Spirit? It’s a fellowship I want so much for you to have, or to stir and revive what you once had with Him.