The Wonders of God

Such wonders God the Holy Spirit has for you! I believe He will make known to you the good things He has prepared for you from the foundations of the earth. Take this moment with Him and see ahead with Him in all that He longs to show you. Know that doors of the past are closing, so lean not on what was or it will make it complicated for you to proceed. God is moving forward, and you must move with Him. 

Of great importance in this time is a revelation of the power present on the inside of you. I believe as you recognize God inside, the greater His influence will be through you. You cannot influence beyond what you are; you are full of God’s Holy Spirit! But without this understanding and the renewal of your soul—your mind—you will lack the influence God has so splendidly given you.

My heartfelt prayer is that God would supernaturally intervene on your behalf that you might know the greatness of His Spirit within!

What God is doing in the earth He is doing through you—His sons and His daughters. By His Spirit you will operate in the influence, the power, the seeings and the knowings that come out of your intimacy of fellowship of your relationship with God the Holy Spirit.

 –Dr. Mary Frances Varallo


Peace Prevails


Perfect Love