Arise - Part 2
Part 2 of 3 Part Series
In this three part series Dr. Mary Frances stirs your heart as she brings clarity to God’s final move and the place of the Son’s of God in it. By the leadership of the Holy Spirit, a new sound comes to the earth and ears of all who will listen, drawing up and out of you the mystery of the ages: Christ in you, the hope of glory. Learn to walk as the son of destiny that you are, in the power and compassion of the Christ. The Spirit calls His sons and daughters to come up higher. Hear His voice today.
Part 2 of 3 Part Series
In this three part series Dr. Mary Frances stirs your heart as she brings clarity to God’s final move and the place of the Son’s of God in it. By the leadership of the Holy Spirit, a new sound comes to the earth and ears of all who will listen, drawing up and out of you the mystery of the ages: Christ in you, the hope of glory. Learn to walk as the son of destiny that you are, in the power and compassion of the Christ. The Spirit calls His sons and daughters to come up higher. Hear His voice today.
Part 2 of 3 Part Series
In this three part series Dr. Mary Frances stirs your heart as she brings clarity to God’s final move and the place of the Son’s of God in it. By the leadership of the Holy Spirit, a new sound comes to the earth and ears of all who will listen, drawing up and out of you the mystery of the ages: Christ in you, the hope of glory. Learn to walk as the son of destiny that you are, in the power and compassion of the Christ. The Spirit calls His sons and daughters to come up higher. Hear His voice today.